This e-book package is a collection of 68 tips and techniques, each originally published in individual releases of Web Tools Weekly, a newsletter geared towards front-end developers.
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Book Info
- Number of pages in PDF: 114
- E-Book formats in package: EPUB, MOBI, PDF
- Number of tips: 68
- Price: $7.99
- URL to Purchase:
Book Contents
- JavaScript Naming Conventions
- insertAdjacentHTML()
- getBoundingClientRect()
- textContent()
- scrollIntoView()
- The <table> API
- Array Manipulation Tips
- Pattern Matching
- Strict Mode
- The + Operator
- contains()
- Document Fragments
- querySelector() and querySelectorAll()
- Implied eval()
- selectionStart and selectionEnd
- activeElement
- removeEventListener()
- window.matchMedia()
- Try, Catch, Throw
- setSelectionRange()
- classList
- stopPropagation()
- The location Object
- normalize() and splitText()
- Pseudo-Elements in JavaScript
- lastIndexOf()
- The continue Statement
- event.button
- The keypress and keydown Events
- Invoking Functions
- Mouse Coordinates
- Array.every()
- .call() and .apply()
- Function.bind()
- More on .bind()
- The arguments Object
- Child Nodes
- Augmenting Types
- Configuration Data
- Switch Fall-Throughs
- Interacting with a Live DOM
- The NodeIterator API
- TreeWalker
- Array.some()
- Avoiding Null Comparisons
- trim()
- Mouse Event Properties
- Function.length
- Array.reduce() and Array.reduceRight()
- Number to String Conversion
- compareDocumentPosition()
- null vs. undefined
- Node.isEqualNode()
- window.getSelection()
- getElementsByClassName()
- Method Lookups
- The dataset Object
- Encoding/Decoding URIs
- Enumerable vs. Non-enumerable Properties
- elementFromPoint()
- scrollTop and scrollLeft
- appendData()
- deleteData() and insertData()
- replaceData() and substringData()
- Manipulating HTML Comment Nodes
- array.forEach()
- The text Property on Script Elements
Purchase is done via Leanpub.