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Book Giveaway: HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World

This contest is now closed. Congratulations to Mark Cohen for winning the hard copy, and Nick Stevens for winning the E-Pack.

A New Book on HTML5 and CSS3This week I’m swamped with stuff outside of this blog, so I thought it would be a good time for another book giveaway. This time I have two copies of HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World, published by SitePoint.

As many of you know, this is a book that I helped co-author with Estelle Weyl and Alexis Goldstein. You can read a full description along with table of contents on the SitePoint page linked above.

Here’s a brief description of the book:

“HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World will show you how to create dynamic websites using these new technologies. No fluff or hype here – only fun, effective techniques you can start using today. This easy-to-follow guide covers everything you need to know to get started today. You’ll master the new semantic markup available in HTML5, as well as how to use CSS3 without sacrificing clean markup or resorting to complex workarounds.”

And here are the rules for the contest:

1. Tweet a Link to This Post

Yeah, I know, you don’t want to share this post, because that means you’ll have a lower chance of winning. But you know how it goes, it’s free advertising for me, and it makes the contest all the more exciting! :)

The tweet must contain the following text:

Book Giveaway: HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World (via @ImpressiveWebs)

Plus a link to this post. A short link is fine, as long as the link goes here.

2. Post a Comment With a Link to Your Tweet

Naturally, you have to prove that you tweeted the article. So you need to find a direct link to your tweet and post it here in the comments. I’ll be sure to check the spam comments so nothing gets filtered out.

Keep in mind that the link to your tweet cannot just be a link to your Twitter account, it must be a link to the individual tweet. In the last giveaway, a few people didn’t get this right. So make sure. On, an individual tweet is found by clicking “open” then “details”. It looks like this.

Only one entry allowed per person.

3. Use a Valid Email Address in Your Comment

If you don’t use a valid email address, then I can’t contact you. So make sure your email address is correct so I can contact you if you win.

Hard Copy and E-Pack Versions

As mentioned, I have two copies of the book to give away. One is a hard copy that I will mail anywhere in the world, using cheap shipping. And the other is an E-Pack version, which includes PDF, MOBI, and EPUB versions of the book.

If the winner of the hardcopy would prefer an E-Pack version, then I’ll ask the winner of the E-Pack if they want to swap. If not, then I’ll gladly give away an extra E-Pack to the winner of the hard copy. So I may give away three copies, it just depends on what the winners prefer.

Two Weeks’ Notice

I’ll give the post two weeks to collect entrants, then I’ll pick two comments at random using a random number generator. The first one I pick will win the hard copy.

From time to time, I will do other book giveaways for quality design and development titles, so be sure to subscribe to one of my feeds to know when these contests are posted:

56 Responses

  1. Martndemus says:

    Weee, first.!/Martndemus/status/184947359191547905

    And im only interested in the hard copy version!

  2. Antonio says:

    Here you have:!/Belelros/status/184961295676735488

    Crossing my fingers. Hope to get it!

  3. Stephan says:!/Litso_/status/184964309607133185

    I like turtles.

    Also, this was my 100th tweet. Congratulations me!

  4. Jur says:

    Nice! Would be a nice timing, I just started with figuring out HTML5 in combination with CSS3 ^^!/Jh_Joosten/status/184969145161490433

    *fingers Crossed*

  5. thelincster says:!/thelincster/status/184972460058345473

    …because it’s my birthday?!? ;)

  6. qborreda says:

    Here we go ..
    HTML5 It’s getting increasingly interesting ..!/qborreda/status/185012164036263936

  7. Albert says:

    Pick me :)!/albert_shala/status/185211351621320704

    and if I get to win, I’d go with the hard copy.

  8. Baraneedharan M says:

    Here is the link to my post!/baranee_dharan/status/185296765707231233


  9. Hi Louis,

    nice opportunity, thanks! I love the smell of paper, and here’s the link to my tweet:!/gonzodesign/status/185348026490036224

    Cheers & Ciao!

  10. c0d3punk says:!/c0d3punk/status/185370651513733121

    I have a dog, and his name is… BINGO! :-)

  11. Aakash Ohri says:

    Really impressed by your work at Cross Browser CSS3

    Here is the link:!/iaakash19/status/185524207277457408

  12. msankhala says:

    Great Giveaway ! I love to win hard copy of this book. I get bored reading a lot off ebooks I need a hard copy. Hope this “HTML5 & CSS3 for the Real World” book can change my real world as developer and bring it to the next level.
    I already tweeted.!/msankhala/status/186623015201677312

  13. Here is my Tweet! #59 I believe…

    Thank you for the opportunity to learn from your shared knowledge! First time I’ve ever shared a tweet link, so I hope I have done it correctly! God bless you and all contributors to this publication.

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