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CSS Terms and Definitions

CSS Terms and DefinitionsOver the years I’ve continued to refine my understanding of front-end development terms, especially CSS terms and definitions.

I’m constantly reminded that as developers we should be consistent in the use of our terms. This post will attempt to list all common CSS terms, and what they represent in CSS code. Much of this is pretty easy stuff for most experienced developers, but some is not used as often colloquially or in writing, so a refresher could help clear up some inconsistencies.


A comment has no effect on the display of the page that’s styled; it’s for the CSS author to read and better understand the code. Comments are universal to (as far as I know) all programming and related languages. In the example below, the line that says “this is an old IE6 hack” is a comment:

/* this is an old IE6 hack */

* html #box {
  width: 200px;

Style Rule (Rule Set)

A style rule (also called a rule set) is a single section of CSS including the selector, the curly braces, and the different lines with properties and values. The code in the example below comprises one style rule:

/* the style rule starts with the line below */
body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #555;
  font-size: 14px;
/* ends with the closing curly brace above */

Declaration Block

A declaration block is the section of CSS where the property/value pairs appear. In the example below, everything found between the curly braces (not including the comments) is a declaration block:

body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif; /* starts with this line */
  color: #555;
  font-size: 14px;
  line-height: 20px; /* ends here, before the closing curly brace */


A declaration is generally any single line of CSS that appears between the curly braces, whether shorthand or longhand. In the example below, everything after the first curly brace, and before the last curly brace (not including the comment) is a declaration:

body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif; /* this line is a declaration */

In this next example, there are two declarations between the curly braces:

body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif; /* one declaration */
  color: #555; /* another declaration */


A property is what appears before the colon in any line of CSS.

In the example below, the word “width” is the property.

#box {
  width: 200px; /* the property is "width" (without the colon) */


A value is what appears immediately after the colon in any line of CSS.

In the example below, the “200px” is the value.

#box {
  width: 200px; /* after the colon, without the semi-colon */

If you use shorthand, a single declaration could have multiple values.


A selector is the part of the CSS line that selects what element to target with the property/value pair. In the example below “#container #box” is the selector:

/* the selector is everything on the first line */
/* excluding the opening curly brace */
#container #box {
  width: 200px;

Element Type Selector

An element type selector is a selector that targets an element by the tag name. The selector in the example below is an element type selector, because it doesn’t use a class, ID, or other selector to apply the given styles. Instead, it directly targets all HTML5 <nav> elements:

/* matches an HTML element by name */
nav {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #555;
  font-size: 14px;

Class Selector

The selector in the example below targets an element by its class name. So every element with a class of “navigation” will receive the styles in question:

/* matches HTML element with class="navigation" */
.navigation {
  width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

ID Selector

The selector in the example below targets an element by its ID. So every element with an ID of “navigation” will receive the styles in question:

/* matches HTML element with id="navigation" */
#navigation {
  width: 960px;
  margin: 0 auto;

In HTML, a page will have validation errors if two or more elements share the same ID.

Universal Selector

The universal selector matches any element within the context in which it’s placed in a selector. In the example below, the * character is the universal selector:

/* the asterisk character is the universal selector */
.navigation ul * {
  width: 100px;
  float: left;

So, any element that appears as a child descendant of the unordered list element inside an element that has a class of “navigation” will receive the declared styles.

Universal selectors are generally discouraged for performance reasons.

Attribute Selector

An attribute selector selects an element to style based on an attribute and/or attribute value. The example below targets certain paragraph elements based on the existence of a “style” attribute:

/* matches elements with style="[anything]" */
p[style] {
  color: #1e1e1e;

The example below targets certain input elements based on the existence of a type attribute with a value of “text”:

/* matches input elements with type="text" */
input[type="text"] {
  border: solid 1px #ccc;

In each example above, everything before the first curly brace is an attribute selector.


A pseudo-class works similarly to a regular CSS class, except it’s not explicitly declared in the HTML. In the example below, the pseudo-class is added to the anchor element:

/* the word "hover" along with the preceding colon is the pseudo-class */
a:hover {
  text-decoration: none;

A pseudo-class always has a single colon followed by a keyword of some sort, with no space before or after the colon. Other pseudo-classes include :visited, :focus, and :first-child.


A pseudo-element is not the same as a pseudo-class. While a pseudo-class matches elements that actually exist, pseudo-elements target “virtual” elements that can change depending on the actual HTML. CSS2 pseudo-elements use a single colon and CSS3 pseudo-elements use a double colon. In the example below, the first rule set uses a CSS2 pseudo-element, and the second rule set uses a CSS3 pseudo-element:

/* "first-letter" including the preceding colon is the pseudo-element */
p:first-letter {
  display: block;
  float: left;
  margin: 0 5px 5px 0;

/* CSS3 pseudo-elements have double colons */
::selection {
  background: green;


A combinator is the character in a selector that connects two selectors together. There are four types of combinators. These four combinators help create descendant selectors (with a space character), child selectors (with the “>” character), adjacent sibling selectors (with the “+” character), and general sibling selectors (with the “~” character). To dispel any confusion, here are those four combinators in use:

/* In all 4 examples */
/* whatever appears between "div" and "p" is a combinator */
/* in the first example, the combinator is a space character */
div p {
  color: #222;

div>p {
  color: #333;

div+p {
  color: #444;

div~p {
  color: #555;


An at-rule is an instruction given in a CSS document using the @ character. An at-rule could have a declaration block or a simple string of text. The example below has two different at-rules:

@import url(secondary.css);

@media print {
  #container {
    width: 500px;

The at-rule is not just the “@media” or “@import” part at the beginning; the entire instruction comprises the complete at-rule.


A statement in CSS is any at-rule or rule set. In the example below, there are two statements; one is an at-rule, and the other is a rule set:

/* the at-rule below is a statement */
@import url(secondary.css);

/* the entire rule-set below is a statement */
body {
  font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
  color: #555;
  font-size: 14px;


An identifier can be anything that appears as a property, id, class, keyword value, and at-rule. In the example, below there are four identifiers:

/* "body", "background", "none", and "font-size" are identifiers */
body {
  background: none;
  font-size: 14px;
/* "14px" is not an identifier */

The word “body” is an identifier; the word “background” is an identifier; the word “none” is an identifier; and the word “font-size” is an identifier. The last value “14px” is not an identifier, because it’s not a keyword (See next section).


A keyword is a value for a property and is somewhat like a reserved word for a particular property. Different properties have different keywords, and all properties allow the keyword “inherit”. In the example below, the value “auto” is a keyword.

#container {
  height: auto; /* "auto" is a keyword */

As an aside, I would argue that !important qualifies as a keyword, based on how keywords are differentiated from values.

Maybe More?

I think this covers most, if not all, of the most common and general CSS terms you might see in articles, references, and tutorials. There might be some others that are more specific that I didn’t include here, but maybe I’ll do another post that includes an explanation of those more complex terms.

Did I miss any obvious CSS terms? Let me know in the comments.

39 Responses

  1. Mike Taylor says:

    Divya Manian also recently blogged on this topic at

  2. Erkan Yilmaz says:

    It’s a very nice post and easly explained.

    Thank you !!!

  3. nick says:

    I’m not really sure why this is happening, but on every code snippet that contains an #name, only the first seven characters are red (counting # as a character), then the rest are black (FF3.6 and Chrome 7 on Win 7). i.e. #container. This is what’s showing up in the code inspector.

    <span class="colors">#contai</span>
    <span>ner {  </span>
  4. Scott says:

    The only thing I would suggest is what you call the “element type selector” is usually called the tag selector as I’ve seen it. Certainly, I would remove the word ‘type’, it’s a little confusing IMO.

  5. Naveed says:

    Nice read… must read for beginners and a refresher for others…thanks…

  6. Rick says:

    Not that anyone uses XHTML, but it might be good to point out that id’s must be unique, so targeting every element that has an id of ‘navigation’ would meant there can only be one (in XML)

    • Not sure what you mean when you say “not that anyone uses XHTML”… Everyone uses it!

      Anyhow, the article does mention that, you just seemed to skip over that part. :)

      • Daniel15 says:

        I doubt that… Proper XHTML doesn’t work in any release version of Internet Explorer (even version 8), it was only added in IE9! Most people have a XHTML doctype but their document is served as text/html, which means browsers interpret it as HTML4 (*not* XHTML). If you serve an XHTML page to IE, it pops up a download box.

  7. Wes Groleau says:


    However, since you’re topic is not-picking terminology:

    – you said “shorthand” several times without defining it
    – when you said “everything after the first curly brace, and before the last curly brace is a declaration, you could have said “everything after the first curly brace, and before the comment” (since the comment is not a declaration, yet it is part of “everything”)

    • Good point, Wes. I corrected the wording of two entries to make it clear that the comments are excluded.

      I actually added the comments later to aid those who will just scan the code examples, so that would explain how I missed that.

  8. Great CSS article.
    Thanks for sharing

  9. David Webb says:

    Thanks very much. There is a quite a lot to take in, but it’s good for reference.


  10. Magento says:

    Great CSS term reference sheet. Thanks for this. It will come in handy.

  11. Heiko says:

    Thank you for sharing.
    It is always a delight to feel what I believe – that
    information is inspiration

  12. How about commas? example: h1, h2, p { … }, is it combinator or group selector?

  13. El says:

    Nice and useful mass info.
    Thank you

  14. Xcellence-IT says:

    Although very basic, but rarely used all of them in practice. Nice to learn this…

  15. Sathish Chandra says:

    This article is awesome!!.Excellent.

  16. It’s a very nice post and easly explained.

  17. Klaus says:

    Thank you for the great reference.

  18. Jim says:

    Great read for me as an entry level developer who sometimes has issues applying css to a certain element that is nested. knowing what reaches immediate vs nested will help me a lot.

  19. PrairiePeg says:

    Thank you for this lesson.

    I am an older learner and sometimes instructions lack clarity and an explanation for the precise logic in coding in this manner.

    I shall bookmark this, as I stumble over syntax errors quite freely. You presented this information very nicely.

  20. Amit Singh says:

    Good Article..

    One Question if you Reply..

    Let assume that I have nth number of classes i.e container_1, container_2 … container_n

    How i put a unique class which will work for all the classes, There are dynamic showing

  21. Kajal Dube says:


    I Go through your article and i like it.

    Can you help me to find out what is the use of ^ , & and * in css programming?


  22. Kate says:


    Are there any reference books you can recommend? It’s hard to see what is useful, or out of date as a beginner.

  23. Ryan says:

    I wish this whole article was more beginner-friendly. I didn’t get much out of it unfortunately. The problem with experts, is that they forget what it was like to be learning this stuff for the first time. So they have problems explaining it to something who is new to the whole technology.

    • It’s an old article and generally speaking my blog isn’t really for beginners. This one was definitely not for beginners, but more of an overall view of the different “parts” of CSS once you learn the basics. Remember, not all articles can be geared towards beginners, but thanks for the feedback, I’ll keep it in mind for future posts.

  24. Polar says:

    I used this list to generate my website domain name lol. I really love CSS, and this was quite the review. I have to admit, I didn’t know most of these terms, but I do consider myself an avid front-end developer. For anyone else reading this in the future: Do not feel discouraged if you don’t know a term or two! Just keep learning :)

    @The creator nice website you have here! I especially love the footer! Very inspiring!

  25. Alexandra says:

    perfect post thanks a lot for the tips

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