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Sass on Windows with Scout App

Sass on Windows with Scout AppThis is a follow-up post to my previous article, posted yesterday, that discussed how to get up and running with Sass on Windows. At the end of that post I introduced an alternative to all the command-line based instructions.

So here I’ll quickly cover that alternative — Scout App, a free Mac and Windows-based native app produced and maintained by developers at Mutually Human.

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Setting Up Sass on Windows

Setting Up Sass on WindowsThere’s a ton of information floating around on preprocessors nowadays. Most of that info is geared towards Mac users, so in this post I’m providing a very simple guide to help Windows-based developers get up and running quickly with Sass (my preprocessor of choice).

Overall, Sass is not difficult at all to get set up, even if you’re doing it on the command-line. But if you have no interest in going through all these steps, but still want to use Sass on Windows, well, just skip to the final heading in this post for a reference to an app that lets you start using Sass on Windows with minimal setup.

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Defining the Click Area

Defining the Click AreaWhen you code a button or other clickable element, you need to also define a comfortable click area. Depending on the context and the design, this can sometimes be a challenge. Let’s look at a few examples in a short case study, so we can see the various ways this can be done.

Some navigation bars that I’ve seen are quite paradoxical in the click area they define. Look at the screen shot below showing the main nav bar for WebProNews.

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Should a Project’s Cost Depend on How Much it’s Worth to the Client?

CashI think for most freelancers, the rate we end up charging for any design or development project generally depends on, and is focused on, the work we do (i.e. we have an hourly rate, or a fixed price for a certain type of job).

True, we might change our prices in certain cases. For example, if we know we’re dealing with a high maintenance client, or we’re developing something for a non-profit.

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Responsive Ads Link Dump

Link Dump on Responsive AdsWhether we like it or not, ads on the web (in some form) aren’t going anywhere. And because of the responsive web design movement, more and more discussions are taking place surrounding how to handle ads (especially large ones) at certain breakpoints.

In addition, some developers have suggested new methods for creating ads using HTML and CSS, instead of images. Some have even incorporated animation with CSS3.

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How Do You Mark Up A Single Link or Button?

How Do You Mark Up A Single Link or Button?On many sites and apps, you’ll often have to mark up and style a button that is not part of a list of links, and that basically stands alone, apart from surrounding content.

How should a single, standalone link or button be marked up? As with many things in web development, there isn’t really a right or wrong way to do this, but here’s a summary of some of the different methods.

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