CodeinWP CodeinWP

Loading a Different jQuery Version for IE6-8

Loading a Different jQuery Version for IE6-8If you haven’t heard yet, last week the jQuery team announced on their blog that jQuery 2.0, which is scheduled for an early 2013 release “removes support for IE 6/7/8 oddities such as borked event model, IE7 ‘attroperties’, HTML5 shims, etc.”

In this post, I’m just briefly showing everyone a simple solution for serving a different version of jQuery (or really, any script) to Internet Explorer versions 6-8.

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JavaScript String Methods Reference

JavaScript String Methods ReferenceWhen writing JavaScript, I often find myself Googling for info, or using Mozilla’s reference to find the exact syntax and argument definitions for methods associated with string manipulation.

A lot of references I come across have far too much info, so this post will give examples and brief descriptions of some of the most common and useful string-related methods. I tried to put the most common ones near the top, for quick reference.

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Using Min/Max Width and Height in CSS

Even if you’re just getting started with CSS, you’ve likely used the height and width properties quite a bit already.

But you’ve probably noticed that those properties can put unnecessary constraints on your page elements. So you might benefit from knowing and using related properties that use the “min” and “max” prefixes.

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Another Redesign for Impressive Webs

Another Redesign for Impressive WebsI don’t know how many times I’ve redesigned this site over the past 4 years, but here’s another one, just launched this morning.

Layout-wise, there’s nothing really all that different. It’s more of a different skin than anything, and (out of sheer laziness) the comments and footer area have pretty much remained the same. Basically, I got tired of the dull looking header/sidebar in the previous design and wanted something cleaner and with a little more color.

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What Advice Would You Give to a CSS Beginner?

ChalkboardRecently, a friend who used to do some web design years ago approached me with some questions about getting back into front-end coding. She doesn’t have a programming background and, from what I understand, her experience in coding is limited to old-style HTML using tables and very little CSS.

She says she finds all the stuff associated with front-end development to be quite overwhelming. Well, she’s not the only one. I think we all feel frustrated at the amount of reading and research that’s needed to keep up with things in the industry.

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The CSS Clip Property

The CSS Clip PropertyYou’ve probably heard of CSS’s clip property. It has some unique features and syntax, and in this post I’ll outline how it’s used.

At the end of the post you’ll find a link to a demo page where some photos are used to animate the clip property, just to visually demonstrate what this property does.

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Typesetting Paragraphs on Web Pages

Typesetting Paragraphs on Web PagesI don’t know who started it, but at some point in the web’s relatively short history, we decided that paragraphs displayed on web pages should be “typeset” in a manner similar to what we see by default in a Microsoft Word document: an empty line after a paragraph, and no indent for each paragraph.

Somehow it was unanimously settled upon that the traditional manner of typesetting paragraphs — with indents and no spaces between paragraphs — is not as readable on a computer screen. In fact, the default styles applied by a browser on paragraph elements encourages the no-indent method. If you throw together an HTML document that doesn’t have any author styles defined, you’ll see the following when you inspect your paragraph elements in Chrome’s developer tools:

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