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Web Design Tutorials

The CSS3 Resize Property

CSS3 Resize PropertyHere’s a CSS3 property that has very little support and that I’m not sure has too many real world applications or if it would even be extremely beneficial — the CSS3 resize property.

The resize property is part of the W3C’s Basic User Interface Module, which is in the candidate recommendation stage.

Unfortunately, the resize property is listed in the Features at Risk section of that same document, so it’s quite possible that this feature will be removed if browser-makers don’t support it. Nonetheless, here’s a quick review of exactly what this property is all about so you can decide if it’s of any practical use in your projects.

Understanding HTML5 Validation

Understanding HTML5 ValidationOne of things that we need to get used to when making the switch from HTML4/XHTML to HTML5 is the way HTML5 validation works, because it’s drastically different from what we’ve become accustomed to in previous iterations of web markup.

First, it should be noted that the W3C’s HTML5 validation engine is “experimental”, so it’s a work in progress that will likely see many changes over the next year or more. Also, we shouldn’t refer to it as a “validator” anymore; it’s now more accurately referred to as a “conformance checker” (although for simplicity I’ll be using the term “validation” and its derivatives).

What’s the Best Way to Write a JavaScript For Loop?

What's the Best Way to Write a JavaScript For Loop?When coding JavaScript, I find myself using the for loop fairly often. Recently, when I coded, then re-coded these drop-down menus, during the re-code I ran my JavaScript/jQuery through JSLint using the option called “The Good Parts”.

I don’t know a whole lot about JSLint, but I figured that would be a pretty good way to ensure the code was efficient, relatively future-proof, and easy to maintain (i.e. it uses best practices).

The info JSLint provided, as well as other stuff I’ve read in the past, got me thinking about the simple JavaScript for loop and how it’s customarily written.

Bold and Italic in HTML5

Bold and Italic in HTML5If you were to use <strong> and <em> tags in HTML5 the same way that you’re accustomed to, it would be fine. As many have stated, HTML5 is backwards-compatible with old-style trends in SEO, accessibility, and markup, so your pages won’t break or be considered obsolete or deprecated.

But that doesn’t mean that some of these elements aren’t evolving. One good example is the use of tags to make what we normally know as “bold” and “italic” text.

Here I describe some things to take note of when adding HTML elements that are usually associated “bold” or “italic” text.

Slide-Down Mega Drop-Down Menus with Ajax and jQuery

Slide-Down Mega Drop-Down Menus with AjaxWhile reading an article on CBC’s website, I noticed they have added what seem to be newly-designed mega drop-down menus that work in an interesting kind of way.

These looked like a cool and simple thing to reproduce, so I gave it a shot and came up with something that I think works pretty nicely.

It wasn’t as simple as I thought, and I don’t think my code is the greatest, so I’m open to suggestions. I think this could form the basis for a jQuery plugin but I’ve never created a jQuery plugin so holding I’m off on that for now.

Things Worth Noting About CSS Attribute Selectors

Things Worth Noting About CSS Attribute SelectorsThe main reason CSS attribute selectors have been avoided up to this point is their complete lack of support in IE6. But since IE6’s market share is continuing to slowly but steadily decline, it’s becoming safer to use them.

I’m not going to go through the basics of CSS attribute selectors and their syntax. There are some pretty good resources explaining them, which I’ll link to at the bottom of this post. So if you don’t have at least some grasp of what this CSS feature is all about, please check those out first.

This article will go a little further and focus on some interesting facts and bugs surrounding attribute selectors that you may not have known.

A Problem With Using “overflow: hidden” to Clear Floats

Don't Use overflow: hidden to Clear Floats on Your ContainerOne of the layout issues that has for years plagued CSS developers is the concept of clearing floats. There have been numerous articles and comment debates discussing what is the best way to clear your floats.

One method that was proposed back in 2005 was to simply add “overflow: auto” or “overflow: hidden” to the containing element in order to easily clear the floated children.

I think this is, overall, a pretty good way to clear floats. But, as with any CSS workaround, there is a potential drawback if this method is used on a large containing element.

Maintainable CSS3 Using PHP

Maintainable CSS3 Using PHPOne of the primary challenges that arises when dealing with CSS3 properties is the maintenance of the different proprietary prefixes. At least one solution has been offered to help prevent the so-called “forking” that results.

I think there is another way to help maintain the various repetitive CSS3 properties. What I’m proposing here will prevent you from having to organize your proprietary properties and will solve the problem of having to repeat the same values over and over again.

Some of the maintenance issues that arise can be avoided if you use PHP to generate your CSS, and use PHP’s capabilities to abstract a multiple lines of CSS3 into a single line.

CSS Counters: counter-increment and Friends

Using counter-increment in CSSThe CSS2.1 spec introduced a new technique allowing developers to combine three CSS properties and a pseudo-element to create auto-incrementing counters — similar to what is displayed in an ordered list.

While counters for lists are limited to <ol> or <ul> elements and only with simple incrementation, the new counter method introduced in CSS2.1 allows for integers to be prepended to any set of elements, and is quite flexible.

This technique is a bit confusing because it uses multiple CSS properties, and looks different than most CSS code. I hope to clarify how it’s used and I’ll run down some possible ways it can be implemented, along with some benefits and drawbacks.

Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

Animated Sprites with CSS3 TransitionsI don’t think I’ve seen this specific method used yet, but it seems like one of those super obvious techniques. This technique is not really anything new, it just combines two concepts that most CSS developers should be fairly well familiar with by now.

CSS sprites are a method for creating complex rollovers without using JavaScript.

CSS3 animations (or more accurately, CSS3 transitions) is a new feature that has been added to some newer browsers, most notably WebKit-based browsers like Chrome and Safari. Like sprites, CSS3 animations don’t require JavaScript.